Along the way I've found various websites related to what I'm doing which have inspired me to forge
forward. It's a small but growing list. Please let me know if you think any other links should be included.
- iFixit: a Wiki-inspired site offering a place for DIYers to share repair information, contribute to repair manuals, and source the parts they need.
- Datasheet Pro: you've salvaged all the parts and components and need to find the specifications and datasheets before using them for other stuff; this is the place!
- AllDataSheet: another website to source the datasheets for everything electronic.
- Arduino: one of the exciting developments for electronic hobbyists in the past decade; open-source hardware targeted to artists and designers, and spawning a world of creativity.
- Freeduino: "The world famous index of Arduino knowledge" - this site hasn't been updated since July, 2010, but still contains a wealth of information relating to all things Arduino.
- e-Waste Workshop: a group that encourages people to take stuff apart, learn from their discovery, and empowers them to create new things.
- Instructables: see the crazy (and awesome) things people have made with the most surprising parts and materials; along with step-by-step instructions on how they did it.
- Hack-a-Day: discover what "hacking" really means and get inspired!
- Make Projects: build, hack, tweak, share, discover... by the publisher's of Make Magazine, offering lots of ideas and how-to guides.
- an Electrical Engineering News, Resources and Community website. It is a premier electrical/electronic engineering community for hardware designers, electronics enthusiasts and hobbyists. It also features Tech Communities from electronics-related companies.